Thursday, April 24, 2014

Corporate Ladder: How to get promoted?

To start as an Elite Distributor of BWL, we give you (3) options in starting you own business..
  • Starter Pack (SP)
  • Builder Pack (BP)
  • Silver Stockist

As you start your business, you aim for something bigger and higher in order to achieve financial freedom, and BWL will help you every step of the way..


When you choose Starter Pack or Builder Pack, you are already in a Business Associate position where you earn through direct sales and membership vouchers.

For Builder Pack, aside from your outright income per box, membership vouchers and Unilevel income, you are also entitled to be in our Binary or Pairing system where you can earn Php125 once (2) boxes from your left and right pairs.

Income doesn't stop here.. For sure, you want to have more and even MORE!!

As part of BWL's R4+ 9 Amazing ways to Earn compensation plan is the Unilevel Ranking Rewards.






Thursday, April 17, 2014

How to become an Optrimax Plum Delite Distributor

How to open a Metrobank account?

Have you seen your recent statement with BWL? I know for sure that most of you are excited enough to spend that hard-earned money.

While our BWL Unionbank paycard is still on its process, I urge everyone to take initiative to open for a Metrobank account. For just Php 2,000.00 of initial deposit, you can have your own Metrobank Debit card.

Here are the steps in getting one:

STEP 1 - Prepare the following

  • Photocopy of two (2) valid ID's (Company ID, SSS ID, TIN ID, PhilHealth ID, Driver's License ID, Passport) or NSO Authenticated Birth Certificate.
  • 2x2 ID picture
  • Php 2,000.00 (Initial Deposit)

STEP 2 - Submission and Application

  • Go to any Metrobank Branch near you and ask for the "New Accounts"     section.
  • Submit the needed requirements.
  • You will be ask to fill-out the following forms (Application Form, Specimen Signature form and deposit slip).
  • The in-charge will verify the forms filled-out and will be asked for the     initial deposit of Php 2,000.00 (NOTE: This will be good as your   maintaining balance on your account.) 

STEP 3 - Encoding and Claiming

  • The in-charge will encode all the given information to their data base and,
  • Will issue the Metrobank Debit card right in front of you in seconds. (No  need to wait five (5) banking days to get your card since they have their  own card maker machine.)
  • A few more signatures to other bank personnel then you are good to go.

STEP 4 - Pin Change and Disseminate

  • Change your PIN with the desired number that can be easily remembered.
  • Give your account number to your direct upline (Sponsor) for proper encoding in main office.
  • Check regularly your EXS Profile if your account number has been updated.
The new sleek design of Metrobank Debit Card

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. When can I receive my Unionbank Paycard?
*There's still no tentative date for the Unionbank Paycard will be available. This is just an initiative in order for us to get our commissions.
   2. Can I request for my commissions be deposited to my own bank account?

*Commissions are deposited directly through system data base which BWL    
  has an account with, that is Metrobank. As much as BWL, would like to give     our commissions on time, let's do our part in getting it.

   3. I already have an existing savings account with Metrobank, do I still need        to open a new one?

*No, you don't need to open a new account with Metrobank. All you have to do   is to give the account number to your direct upline (Sponsor) so it will be     
  submitted to the main office for encoding.

   4. I will just wait for my Unionbank Paycard. Will I still be getting my   

*Yes of course! You will still be getting you commissions every month. Even you still don't have your Unionbank Paycard, your commissions will pile-up until you have your own account.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

BWL Optrimax Plum Delite: Obesity 101

Feeling heavy?
Flabby tummy?
High Cholesterol?
Staggering weight?
Uncontrolled eating?
High Blood pressure?
Difficulty in breathing?

These are just signs of being fat that could lead to 

One of the leading causes of death among people around the world that is still at its peak in taking lives, simply because, people don't want to change their lifestyles.

Common factors are:
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle (no exercise, physical activity)
  • Bad eating habits (fastfood, oily-foods)
  • Working habits (taking more food since its the only ways to fight stress)
  • Depression (food as diversion to happiness due to depression)
  • Uneven food intake (more carbs, fatty food that with no fiber)
Food makes us healthy and strong, but too much of it is not right.. When we feel that we are getting fatter and fatter, we tend to do the following that eventually complicate the situation:
  • Crash Diet  - 'after six o'clock in the evening diet' is one of the famous remedy to avoid the excess fat but sometimes we tend to sneak during midnight for a snack or even put weekends as our "Cheat Day" where we eat those unwanted during weekdays. We also trim or carb intake to half or even none. Our body still need carbohydrates for us too keep going, without it, we can't run or think as we normally do.
  • Excessive Exercise - gaining weight is pretty alarming but spending too much time at the gym can be much stressful than what you think. You burn 500-700 calories on a treadmill everyday then drink Coke-in-can after that has 350 calories then eat your favorite steak for dinner, that's an additional 500 calories. That's more than what you burned, right?

  •  Dietary Pills - One of the most easiest way to get rid of being fat are these colorful yet sometimes dangerous pills. Yes, some are effective but its side-effects can tell you why these candy-like pills are too dangerous for your health.

  • Liposuction - if money is not a big deal, you can have Liposuction procedure. Its effects are great but some ended in a tragic way. Who would like to be slaughtered like pigs in a slaughter house, right?

  • Juice/Fat-Burner supplements - Another way is to --juice it up! Make your own fat-burner juice or buy some at a local grocery store. Drinking juice with L-Carnitine can really flush all those unwanted fat but again not that effective as what you think. Making your own juice can sometimes be tiring and the taste is not just right..


Start a new way of burning unwanted fat by introducing you to this amazing and unbelievable product. The opTRIMax Plum Delite..

Each box has 10 sachets of Plum for only Php1,200. Shipping NOT included

  • NO Crash Diets
  • NO Exercise
  • NO Pills
  • NO Liposuction
  • NO Juice/Fat Burner Diet
  • NO Side-Effects

How this product works?

For orders and inquiries, call or text the following numbers:


Look for Lenard:

Sunday, February 9, 2014

BWL Optrimax Plum Delite: Your Colon

Stinky Fart?
Feeling bloated?
Unusual Body odor?
Always feeling tired?
Having a hard time in doing your poop?

That would be some serious problem!

Your COLON!!

Our Colon also known as the Large Intestines removes water, salt, and some nutrients forming stool. The muscles line the colon's walls, squeezing its contents along. It is mainly responsible of storing waste, reclaiming water, maintaining water balance, and the absorption of some vitamins. 
Photo credit to WebMD,LLC

  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Colonic Polyps - extra tissue growing in the colon that can become cancerous.
  • Ulcerative Colitis - ulcers of the colon and rectum.
  • Diverticulitis - inflammation or infection of pouches in the colon.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome - an uncomfortable condition causing abdominal cramping and other symptoms.

Why spent hundred of thousands of money just to be cured if being diagnosed with such illnesses if we can prevent it. You only can be the cure IF you act NOW!

I would like to introduce this amazing product that will surely benefit you and your colon. The BWL OpTRIMax Plum Delite.. Here's how:

Live a healthy way and start taking BWL OpTRIMax Plum Delite..

For orders, call or text these numbers:


Look for Lenard: